Improved environment sound v1.5 ETS2

Improved environment sound v1.5 ETS2
– Mod adds more approx. 250 high quality sounds and music for ETS2;
– New realistic sounds for ai cars and new ai car horn sounds, taken from real cars;
– Every truck now have its own new windshield wipers sound;
– More realistic and more detailed refueling and trailer coupling sounds;
– More realistic lift axle sound;
– New HQ rain, interior rain and thunder sounds;
– New HQ rain blobs textures and improved general look of rain on windshield;
– Realistic train sounds, including sound of railroad crossing semaphore;
– New yawn sounds for men/women driver;
– New garage interior and garage gates sound;
– New environment sounds for forest and city. Now its total 37 new sounds;
– Reworked ambience sounds for companies. Added many missing sounds for different companies (for default, Pro Mods, RusMap, ROS, TSM and MHA map companies). Added more than 40 sounds overall;
– Added many new and changed old sounds for different game objects (movers) from default map and various mod maps: sounds of animals, people, machines etc;
– New ferry and train (Eurotunnel) sounds;
– New photo mode camera sound;
– New menu music.
Attention!!! Mod is tested with ETS2 ver. 1.25 only!!!
1. Extract scs file from downloaded archive to mod dir of ETS2;
2. Enable this mod in mod manager;
3. Play!
Changelog for version 1.5:
-Mod adapted to be compatible with ETS2 1.25;
-Most (90%) of HQ stereo sounds brought back;
-Mirror FOV and standard look of the road during rain brought back;
-Increased outside sound volume inside the truck cab.