Painted Truck Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v5.7 ETS2

Painted Truck Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v5.7 ETS2
Pack adds in traffic truck + trailer combo with skins of 465 real companies.
Version 5.7 – added new companies: Inex Spedition, Deltatrans, Welfrio Spain, R.A.J. Transport, Freight Line Europe, Oehlrich Transporte, L.A. van den Heuvel, Transports Danielou, BT Transport, Transports Portmann, fixed some minor bugs.
All standalone.
Works on any maps.
Tested on 1.30.x and 1.31.x beta
Compatible with all my packs.
Skins: TerRay, ScaniaLAD, IJ’s Mods, AJFV1998, Millsyb, Speedy66666, harry, Sky76, JE80, Trucker2011, KHAOS-XX, RCPHiL, S&S-Skinning, Fred_be, Woody, nportegies, Repin, BartvHam, Barttt, ThreeGlavModz, MaxLowe, Freddy Jimmink, Elitesquad Modz, Zoso, Bluemanc, stewowe, Toft-N, Sparrow, DHL, SISL, indian56, radar, Josiesomething, Oswald, Rudy, steini, senator07, lucianandrei, 19vvv05, ryaskins, n.velickovic, ed101, Slenderhun, Futrzaczek99, Farmerbeavis, eskolaite, kriistof, ECdesign, Dragan007, Stephana Stephen, Campinges, DavyBerto, DrRossi, DaviD_SRB, klunk, Bayun4ik, A.Mikhaylov and others.