RMP: Heilbronn 1:1 v1.0.4 ETS2

RMP: Heilbronn 1:1 v1.0.4 ETS2
– support for patch 1.31
– B39 expanded from Willsbach to Wüstenrot
– B27 Industriegebiet – Heilbronn expanded
– added the first part of Heilbronn -> a road through HN to Untergruppenbach will follow
The map contains:
– A6 : from Sinsheim/Steinsfurt to Kupferzell
-A81: from Möckmühl to Ilsfeld
– Kreuz Weinsberg (exact rebuild)
– B27 from Lauffen am Neckar to Heilbronn including the “Neckartalstrasse”
– Weinsberger Tal
– a few tight places to maneuver your truck through
– new traffic system with a lot of Traffic on the Autobahn and less on local roads
– a lot of custom signs
***Things you shound know***
-Standalone map!
-Traffic mod is included!
To change the traffic density use the console command “g_traffic” command (0.1 – 10)
-Please report bugs if you find some
**DLC´s required**
– Going East
– Scandinavia
– France
– Italy
Truck Dealer List:
DAF: Fürfeld
Iveco: Sinsheim/Reihen
MAN: HN Industriegebiet
Mercedes Benz: HN Neckargartach, Westernach, Neuenstein
Renault: Untergruppenbach
Scania: Öhringen
Volvo: Bonfeld