The orignal scania sound from the 2012 v1.5 MOD

The orignal scania sound from the 2012 v1.5 MOD
ive added this new update with a example video under videos on the mod page so people know what it sounds like and the
engine sound is orignal but the unorignal things is the horn and blinkers how to install go to documents. euro truck simulator 2 find mod file and paste it in and extract it with 7 zip or win rar
hope you enjoy this mod stay safe out there 😀
 description:so this mod makes the scania truck sound like it did in 2012
the sound only works on the v8 engines for scania r and streamline
if i need to change any thing i will but anyways hope you enjoyed the mod bye :3
update: added expample video for engine sound on mod page and desc.txt file cant be updated in the mod it self so i added the updated one here
version: 1.5