Trailer Pack by Omenman v3.25.0 MOD

Trailer Pack by Omenman v3.25.0 MOD
In the package 450 skins and 90 cargoes in all 164 companies,
located on the default map and all official DLC.
The mod adds 10 types of trailers to the game:
– from ETS-2: Coolliner, Fridge, Profiliner, Container, Cement, Food Cistern and Schmitz Universal;
– from ATS: Acid and Gas;
– trailer from Rommi: TZ Schmitz S.KO Express.
All trailers and skins are included in the traffic.
The package is adapted to patch 1.36.
Version changes:
1. Updated cargo registration.
2. Replaced “pmg” files in trailers.
For the Russian version, you will need to download and connect the “Russificator of cargoes” ver.04,
setting it above the mod itself in the Mod Manager