Trailers and Cargo Pack by Jazzycat v8.1 ETS2

Trailers and Cargo Pack by Jazzycat v8.1 ETS2
Version 8.1 – added new cargo for overweight trailers: compact wheel loader Case 321F, compact excavator Bobcat E55, wheel loader Atlas L310, universal paver Bomag BF600C2, crawler excavator Liebherr R956, wheeled excavator Caterpillar M318F.
Pack adds in game 173 new models of trailers (different trailers by Kögel, Fliegl, Böse, Närko, Lamberet, Chereau, Schmitz, Bodex, Wielton, D-Tec, Fruehauf, Schwarzmüller, Kassbohrer, Rolfo, Samro, Krone, Pacton, Ekeri, Goldhofer, Kröger, Aydeniz, Nooteboom, Sommer, NTM, HRD, Estepe, Fontaine, McLendon, Krampe, Kotte, Panav, Kempf, Langendorf, Galtrailer, Michieletto, Groenewegen, Chmzap, Maz, Nefaz, Szap, Tonar, Odaz, Becema and others), 724 new cargo, 744 traffic trailers and about 3000 skins.
New cargo added to 397 companies for all popular maps.
All standalone.
Works on any maps.
For version 1.35.x
Compatible with all my packs.
Included english and russian versions.
For english version you must have in mod folder four files: