Volvo VNL 660 1.36.x MOD

Volvo VNL 660 1.36.x MOD
– Improved headlight shape
– Added new engines with sounds by Kriechbaum (CAT, Cummins, Paccar, etc.)
– Added new gearboxes (6 spd Allison, Eaton Fuller 13 spd, etc.)
– Added trailer cables
– Added support for cabin DLC and Sisl megapack (defs and nodes from CyrusTheVyrus)
– Added a new type of bumper.
It still has many bugs (especially with the shadow and the cabin is too close to the trailer), but it’s better than before. Archive is unlocked, feel free to upgrade it further. You can reupload it, but please give proper CREDITS.
Have fun.
Original model by Санек Сентяков, Даниил Шамшура, Vlad5236 and Karma. Sounds by Kriechbaum. Edited by Anatol. Some things from CyrusTheVyrus